• In order to avoid condensation in the sheet cells and sheet deterioration, always place the sheet with the cells in the vertical direction.
  • Always store the sheets in horizontal position, never against the floor. Apply aluminum tape to seal the cells after cutting the sheet. Do not walk over the sheets.
  • Do not apply direct load on the sheet with foot or knee. Use wood platforms or supports to spread out the pressure during installation.
  • Remove IIV protecting masking only and right after installation; never before
  • and never after hours of being installed.
  • Macrolux® PC sheet can be cut to size using tools for standard materials such
  • as cutters and saws. However, it is recommended the use of a table with fixed
  • knives for a cleaner cut.
  • It is not recommended to drill holes in the sheet. Rather the use of aluminum or Polycarbonate profiles to fix the sheets to the structure is recommended.
  • Never use PVC profiles when installing Macrolux®PC sheets.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  • For general cleaning it is recommended to use a non-abrasive, solvent free neutral soap with water.
  • Rinse with high-pressure washer-Use a soft cloth or sponge to loosen any remaining of dirt and grime. Never use abrasive cleaners or brushes. Do not scrub the sheet surface.
  • Never clean with gasoline, benzene or acetone.

Bonding Adhesives

It is recommended to use 100% alcoholic based silicone perimeter sealan such as DOW Corning-791 or equivalent